Classic Vodka Martini
The Vodka Martini is a simple and versatile cocktail that can be tweaked to fit any palate. Whether you follow the classic James Bond line about shaking versus stirring, the key to a classic Vodka Martini is to use high-quality vodka and vermouth, the two main ingredients
- Serves: 1
- 2 ounces vodka
- ½ ounce dry Vermouth
- Dash of orange bitters (optional)
- Lemon twist, pimento-stuffed green olives, or martini onions, for garnish
Stir vodka, vermouth, and bitters in a mixing glass filled with ice cubes. If you prefer shaken, use a cocktail shaker. Strain and serve in a chilled Martini glass with your garnish of choice.
Source: Taylors Port