Chocolate Ganache Made With Bin 27 Port
Fonseca suggest pairing BIN 27 with an irresistible port wine chocolate ganache and sour cherries.
6,5cl Fonseca Bin 27
90g Sour cherries in syrup
400g 60% cacao chocolate
130g 35% fat cream
Melt the chocolate in a bain-marie. Separately, warm the cream with the port wine and mix this with the melted chocolate. Use a hand blender to create a smooth mixture.
Coarsely cut the cherries and add. Place into a container lined with clingfilm. Cover with clingfilm in contact with the surface and store in the fridge. Turn the ganache out onto a chopping surface and spread the melted chocolate with the aid of a spatula. Repeat on the other side of the ganache.
Cut into squares. Decorate if desired.